Our passion is to help your students, teachers, and parents be their most successful while saving parents time, money, and the environment.
The teachers love the program also - the students have exactly what they need on the 1st day of school.
No risk to the school. We do all the work. All sales are made online.
The school organization only does 2 things - send home the parent order information forms (provided by us) in the spring and then distribute the kits to the students or classrooms before school starts (free shipping to the school in August).
For a no obligation prepackaged school supply kit program quote, simply fill out the form and send your school supply lists (either the current year or last year) along with your contact information. We also accept emails and faxes, as seen following the contact form.
AND get a FREE Sample School Supply Kit sent for your review with each quote request.
You have nothing to lose!
We will get back to you promptly. We look forward to serving you!